Diary Entry - 10/28/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles, CA.
President Reagan addresses the World Affairs Luncheon in Los Angeles, CA.
Up for a bit of briefing re the Q. period after my speech this noon to the World Affairs Council. Then about 11:40 A.M. we went downstairs & did a receiving line & photos with the Councils board members & a number of contributors & head table people. It was a wonderful time because any number of the guests were our long time close friends. Then into the luncheon—a sellout crowd of more than 1500. After lunch I spoke on our foreign policy & for 20 min’s. after took Q’s. Everything went well. After lunch a brief time meeting & being photographed with the Councils staff. And then it was out to Santa Monica Airport & Marine 1 & up the coast to the ranch. We’d been told earlier we might have to drive because our heli-pad was fogged in. But the fog cleared & we flew in. Some settling in—Barney & Dennis are here. I had a batch of bills to sign. Dinner & early to bed.