Diary Entry - 10/27/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan attends multiple Bush/Quayle Rallies, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Springfield, Missouri, and San Diego, California.
The government of the Soviet Union unveils an $804 billion budget containing a deficit of $58 billion that officials blame on past mistakes.
Marine 1 at 9 A.M.—S. Lawn & off to Andrews A.F.B. & Air Force 1. First stop in Little Rock Ark. an airport rally—25,000 people. Cong.man Hammerschmidt introduced me to a most enthusiastic crowd. This was a Bush, Quale rally. Then off to Springfield Mo. Another airport rally for Victory 88 15,000 people. I was introduced by Gov. John Ashcroft. Cong.man Gene Taylor is leaving office but he was on hand as was the cand. who seeks his job—Mel Hancock. Here again the crowds enthusiasm was overwhelming. After the speech—a 3 min. motorcade to a hangar where I did a receiving line & photos with about 90 big donors. Then back to A.F.1 & on to San Diego Calif. It was now 3:05 (Wash. time but only 12:05 Calif. time) so I lunched on this leg to get myself on Calif. time. This time the rally was indoors, again 15,000 of 4 high school bands in the San Diego Sports Arena. This was for Pete Wilson—Senator—reelection. Again & even more enthusiastic was their reception. Then on to Los Angeles & the Beverly Biltmore Hotel where Nancy awaited. Dinner in the Suite & early to bed. A phone call from Geo. Bush who is in L.A. for a Bob Hope affair.