Diary Entry - 10/25/1987

Key Facts
The President and First Lady leave Washington, D.C., for Camp David.
President Reagan receives a report on recent meetings with Soviet leaders in Moscow from Secretary Shultz.
In China Deng Xiaoping steps down from all but the top military post.
On Sat. did my radio talk on ec. & need to balance budget. Also mentioned that in Moscow meeting Gorbachev brought S.D.I. back into picture & linked it to a summit meeting. I think he feels Cong. has me on ropes & I need a summit. I told my radio audience I would not give anything away to bring about such a meeting. A couple of easy walks with Nancy. Phone calls to 2 top men of Securitys Exchange [Commission]. During movie Sat. nite—Ron called Nancy. He’s home from Moscow.—Changed our clocks back to standard time. Sun. another beautiful day. Howard B. called to tell me Geo. & Frank C.—both home now would come to the W.H. at 5 P.M. for a report on Moscow trip. We left Camp D. at 2:30. George reported on meeting with Gorbachev who sort of pounded the table at one point over a State Dept. paper he thought was critical of him. George pounded the table back & the air cleared. We still believe he wants a summit but is playing a game thinking I want a summit so bad I’ll pay a price regarding S.D.I. He’s wrong.