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Diary Entry - 10/24/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on Economic Expansion and Soviet Union-U.S. relations.

  • The President and First Lady watch the movie "Dancers."

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On Sat. did my radio talk on ec. & need to balance budget. Also mentioned that in Moscow meeting Gorbachev brought S.D.I. back into picture & linked it to a summit meeting. I think he feels Cong. has me on ropes & I need a summit. I told my radio audience I would not give anything away to bring about such a meeting. A couple of easy walks with Nancy. Phone calls to 2 top men of Securitys Exchange [Commission]. During movie Sat. nite—Ron called Nancy. He’s home from Moscow.—Changed our clocks back to standard time. Sun. another beautiful day. Howard B. called to tell me Geo. & Frank C.—both home now would come to the W.H. at 5 P.M. for a report on Moscow trip. We left Camp D. at 2:30. George reported on meeting with Gorbachev who sort of pounded the table at one point over a State Dept. paper he thought was critical of him. George pounded the table back & the air cleared. We still believe he wants a summit but is playing a game thinking I want a summit so bad I’ll pay a price regarding S.D.I. He’s wrong.

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