Diary Entry - 10/22/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the Inaugural Session of the International Meeting on Cooperation and Development in Cancun, Mexico.
President Reagan meets privately with the leaders of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Philippines, Austria, and Yugoslavia.
Met with Pres.’s (1 on 1) of Austria & Yrega Slooci [Sergej Kraicher]. Then 1st session devoted to speeches by each of 22 delegates. I know everyone was waiting for mine—possibly with chip on shoulder. We fooled them—it was well received. Didn’t get lunch til about 3 P.M. & back into session at 5 until 7:30. This session was a free wheeling discussion of food & agriculture. I suggested task forces of agri. experts to visit the hunger countries & recommend new procedures etc. I volunteered to provide such volunteers. Sec. Gen. of U.N. expressed great appreciation. Pleasant dinner at 9 P.M.