Diary Entry - 10/21/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Cancun, Mexico to attend the International Meeting on Cooperation and Development.
President Reagan meets with the Leaders of Mexico, India, Nigeria, China, and Venezuela.
Departed for Cancun—breakfast on A.F.1,—3 hour flight. Arrived to a full military reception—greeted by Pres. Lopez Portillo. 21 gun salute—reviewed troops etc. Helicoptered across Yucatan Peninsula to Cancun—a beautiful white beach & the bluest, clearest water I’ve ever seen. The Sheraton is an attractive hotel. Held meetings (1 on 1) with Indira Ghandi who was not what I expected. She is tiny and seemed very reasonable and moderate. Met with Pres. of Nigeria, P.M. People’s Republic of China & Pres. Herrera of Venezuela. Then had my 1st swim in the Caribbean. Water warm but brought with a strong undertow—too rough to catch a wave for body surfing. Dinner at 9 P.M. (11 Wash. time). I was at our hosts table between Indira & Pres. of Nigeria—both speak Eng. Later learned 4 business men arrested in Nicaragua for writing a letter of complaint to govt. Some Am. women employees of our embassy have been roughed up.