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Diary Entry - 10/21/1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan welcomes the Chancellor of West Germany to the White House.

  • The President and First Lady host a state dinner in honor of their guest Chancellor Kohl.

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Well the weather did it again for us. At the 10 A.M. arrival ceremony for Chancellor (West Germany) Kohl, the sun was out, the sky blue, & the temp. about 70°. Then we went to the Cabinet room for a meeting—his ministers & my team. It was a good meeting & he’s very supportive of our position at Iceland. Before his arrival we had a session on our own about our election & whether to do anything in response to the Soviets expelling 4 of our embassy personnel & 1 from our consulate in Leningrad before Nov. 4. We settled that—about 55 of their embassy people here & in S.F. are going to be on their way home by Nov. 1.

After the Oval office meeting with Kohl I was free to do piled up desk work which I did till about 4 P.M. at which time upstairs. A long evening lay ahead of us—a State dinner & all. The dinner was a great success—Joel Grey entertained & brought the house down. Jerry Lewis was on hand & told me my phone call to his muscular dystrophy telethon brought in $2 million.

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