Diary Entry - 10/21/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan welcomes the Chancellor of West Germany to the White House.
The President and First Lady host a state dinner in honor of their guest Chancellor Kohl.
Well the weather did it again for us. At the 10 A.M. arrival ceremony for Chancellor (West Germany) Kohl, the sun was out, the sky blue, & the temp. about 70°. Then we went to the Cabinet room for a meeting—his ministers & my team. It was a good meeting & he’s very supportive of our position at Iceland. Before his arrival we had a session on our own about our election & whether to do anything in response to the Soviets expelling 4 of our embassy personnel & 1 from our consulate in Leningrad before Nov. 4. We settled that—about 55 of their embassy people here & in S.F. are going to be on their way home by Nov. 1.
After the Oval office meeting with Kohl I was free to do piled up desk work which I did till about 4 P.M. at which time upstairs. A long evening lay ahead of us—a State dinner & all. The dinner was a great success—Joel Grey entertained & brought the house down. Jerry Lewis was on hand & told me my phone call to his muscular dystrophy telethon brought in $2 million.