Diary Entry - 10/20/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss the Soviet Union's action of kicking U.S. diplomats out of Russia.
President Reagan attends a lunch meeting with a group of sports writers and announcers.
A meeting to discuss how to respond to the Soviets kicking 5 of our diplomatic people out of Russia. Four are from the Soviet Embassy & 1 from the Leningrad Consulate. This is their reply to our sending 25 of their K.G.B. types home from the U.N. We had announced we were going to reduce their staff at the U.N. which is greater than the next 2 nations put together. Now they have hinted at further action if we reply in kind. Well we’re going to reply with 4 from their embassy & 1 from the S.F. [San Francisco] consulate are going to be ordered out. In addition we’re going to reduce their staff to the size of ours in Moscow—that will be maybe as many as 80 or so.
Then a real fun time—lunch in the cabinet room with a gang of sports writ ers & announcers—some were contemporarys of mine when I was broadcasting. It all had to do with the “Sporting News” the 100th anniversary of the paper. A lot of laughs & many memories.
A lot of desk time then a haircut & a long taping session & home.