Diary Entry - 10/13/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting.
President Reagan receives the Diplomatic Credentials from 6 new Ambassadors to the United States.
Grenada's army seizes control of the island nation and deposes Prime Minister Maurice Bishop.
N.S.C. report on S. Korea. Pres. Chun is resisting pressure by his people to take some mil. action against N.K. in retaliation for the bombing in Burma believed to have been done by N.K. terrorists. It killed 16 people many of them high S.K. govt. officials & cabinet members. Pres. Chun is following the right course. We had our 1st Budget overview—an optimistic sum up of what we’ve accomplished so far in savings. Figured in real dollars we have reduced domestic spending 10% over the 4 years ending with ’84. Good Lunch with George Bush. We talked of some personnel problems. Sen. Laxalt came by—I agreed to formation of campaign committee which technically makes me a candidate. In the East Room announced Fed. partnership with schools similar to our effort to get business & community partnerships with schools across the country. The W.H has asked to be partners with the Congress school here in D.C. It is in one of the poorest sections in Wash. This was quite a surprise & well received. Recv’d. 6 Ambas’s. Jordan, Togo, Fiji, Czechoslovakia, Hungary & Brazil. Hugh O’Brian & Bob Anderson came by & presented me with the Albert Schweitzer award from Hughs Youth foundation. Then over to Exec. Bldg. to meet with about 200 Evangelist Christian Women. A good meeting—they are very supportive. Then I surprised everyone by announcing Bill Clark would take Jim Watt’s place as Sec. of Interior. Bill I think just finally got caught up with the 18 hour days & 7 day a week routine at N.S.C.