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Diary Entry - 10/07/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with Viktor P. Nikonov, member of the Soviet Politburo and Deputy Chairman of the Agro-Industrial Committee.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to observe Minority Enterprise Development Week 1987.

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Went into office at 10 A.M. At 10:15 Bork came in. I told him I’d go all the way in trying to get the Sen. to confirm in a floor vote. He’d been talking to some in the Sen. who have him pretty convinced he cant make it. He’s going to talk to some more but I have a feeling he’s leaning toward taking himself out of the race. We wont know for a few days. Meanwhile I met with Ted Stevens he’s going to vote yes & he seems to think there may be some who’ll join him.

N.S.C.—a visitor—Soviet Sec. of Agri. Viktor Nikonov. We talked farming. He defended their system of collective farms.

Out in the Rose Garden presented 3 awards to winners in the Minority Enterprise Development Week Award.

After lunch over to O.A.S. where I made a major speech to Latin American Ambas’s. to O.A.S.—subject Nicaragua. I cleared the air on how we stand on the Freedom Fighters.

Back at W.H. presented Medal of Freedom to Judge Kaufman who sentenced the Rosenbergs (Spies).

Geo. Shultz came in to explain his coming trip to Middle East. He’s going to try to get Israel to approve an international group to work on a peace treaty.

Later in day asked Admiral Watkins to take over as Chairman of our AIDS Commission. He said yes.

Upstairs to a lonely old house. Nancy is in Chi.

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