Diary Entry - 10/06/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan greets His Imperial Highness of Japan, Crown Prince Akihito, to the White House.
President Reagan calls Clayton K. Yeutter, U.S. Representative for Trade Negotiations.
The Senate Judiciary Committee votes 9 to 5 against the nomination of Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court.
Staff time spent mostly on Bork case. We’re sure the committee will come forth with a negative vote & they did 9 to 5. Sen. Heflin ended up with the majority. I’d been after him & he kept saying he was undecided. Well we’ll battle it out on the floor of the Sen. in the days ahead.
At 9:30 A.M.—a meeting with the Repub. Cong. leadership. Gave them reports on Persian Gulf (Cap W.) who’s just back from there. Geo. S. reported on this trip & meetings with some of our allies. They are all in line. Jim Baker & Clay Yuetter reported on trade agreement. We think it’s a major plus for both Canada & the U.S. Then a brief meeting and photo op with Crown Prince Akihito of Japan. Cap W. dropped by—he’s going to resign pretty soon because of his wifes poor health. We’re going to keep this a secret until then. Some desk & telephone time. Then a dropby the Roosevelt Rm. for greeting & individual photo with 28 Associated Press Bd. of Directors. Then over to the dr. for my sneeze shot & blood pressure 128 over 84. Upstairs to get ready for tonites dinner party—Guests of Honor Crown Prince Akihito & Crown Princess Michiko of Japan. It was a great party after dinner Yo Yo Ma—great cello artist played for us.