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Diary Entry - 10/07/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 10-07-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Republican Members of the Senate to discuss the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia

  • President Reagan attends a Memorial Service in honor of the assassinated president of the Arab Republic of Egypt Anwar el-Sadat at the Washington National Cathedral.

View the President's Schedule
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Met with Repub. Senators in State dining room on A.W.A.C.S. Al Haig, Baker, Percy & Tower spoke. They were magnificent. Al Simpson got up & took his name off Packwood’s letter then called on Packwood to declare himself. All Bob could do was call the Saudi’s untrustworthy—I dont know whether we changed anyones vote but we tried. I got a little “stern” with Boschwitz. Met with Gov’s Dupont & Alexander on their 5 state experiment where they are placing unemployable high school graduates in jobs with great success at 1⁄4 the cost of the lowest cost CETA program. Need help in getting the experiment increased. I’d like to help. 4 P.M. A memorial ceremony at Nat. Cathedral for Anwar Sadat.

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