Diary Entry - 10/06/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan greets Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand General Prem Tinsulanonda.
President Reagan receives word that President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Anwar el-Sadat has been assassinated.
Most of the day’s event cancelled. Awakened at 7:25 by a phone call from Al Haig with news that Anwar Sadat had been shot along with many others. All morning we waited for news—receiving word only that he was not fatally wounded & was in surgery. Then came the word he was dead. It’s hard to describe the shock & the sorrow we both felt. Even though their visit was short we discovered we had a deep feeling of friendship for them. Maybe it has to do with a state visit. You start out with knowledge of each other & immediately get into the problems you mutually want to solve. Anyway, we both feel a great sense of loss. He was truly a great man, a kind man with warmth and humor. I’m trying not to feel hatred for those who did this foul deed but I cant make it. Qadhafi gloating on T.V., his people jubilantly celebrating in the streets. He is beneath contempt. He goes on radio (clandestine) and began broadcasting propaganda, calling for a holy war etc. before Sadats death was confirmed. This material had to have been already prepared. In other words, he knew it was going to happen.