Diary Entry - 09/28/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan hosts a luncheon with members of the Ronald Reagan Library Foundation.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with the Executive Residence Groundskeepers.
Staff meeting started with Bob Woodwards claim in his book & his interview last night on 60 Min. that he’d interviewed Bill Casey just before Caseys death. He’s a liar & he lied about what Casey is supposed to have thought of me. Then Howard B. told me Bill Brock wants to retire as Sec. of labor. Some talk about possible replacements—I suggested possibly our 1st Sec. of L. Ray Donovan. Some concern it might cause a rumpus over his trial even though he was not guilty.
N.S.C.—More talk about Casey & his wife Sophia. Then the UN.S.C. & Resolution 598. Iran is apparently building another Silkworm launching pad. Sen. Byrd has another bill that would amount to de flagging the Kuwait Tankers. Savimbi has freed the Swedish prisoners he was holding. Then we talked of the arms Saudi Arabia wants to buy from us. As usual there is resistance in congress.
Desk time until I went over to the W.H. for a Library Foundation lunch. I think it went well. Some more desk work then a photo with the 30 W.H. Ground Keepers. Briefed for interview & interview with Arnold deBorchgrave, Wash. Times.
Upstairs—no Nancy, she is overnight at the Grunwalds place. As usual I’m lonesome & so is Rex.