Diary Entry - 09/28/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Minister Gromyko of the U.S.S.R.
President Reagan meets with senior staff to discuss the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Bill.
President Reagan prepares for his upcoming debate with Mondale.
The big day—Andrei Gromyko. Meeting held in Oval office. Five waves of photographers—1st time that many. I opened with my monologue and made the point that perhaps both of us felt the other was a threat then explained by the record we had more reason to feel that way than they did. His opener was about 30 min’s. then we went into dialogue. I had taken notes on his pitch and rebutted with fact & figure a number of his points. I kept emphasizing that we were the two nations that could destroy or save the world. I figured they nurse a grudge that we dont respect them as a super-power. All in all 3 hrs. including lunch were I believe well spent. Everyone at our end thinks he’s going home with a pretty clear view of where we stand.
Tied up the afternoon with a meeting on the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill. The House Dems. have tied some amendments on we dont like. Bill Smith wants us if need be to accept them. Sen. Simpson draws a line on one in particular which if he cant get changed in conference he feels I should veto.
I had a few bill signing ceremonies & then it was off to Camp David. We had to drive. I spent the time doing homework for the Mondale debate.