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Diary Entry - 09/27/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-27-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ahmed Esmat Abdel Meguid.

  • President Reagan meets with President of the Republic of Peru, Fernando Belaunde Terry.

  • President Reagan discusses the current domestic and international economic climate with Secretary of the Treasury, Donald T. Regan.

View the President's Schedule
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A full one beginning with a visit by Pres. Belaunda of Peru. He’s fighting great ec. problems & the ever present threat of a mil. coup. He’s a good man. Don Regan gave an Ec. briefing. Int. rates have dropped as of today—12 3⁄4 by all banks to 12 1⁄2 by Wells Fargo.

Did a taped 5 min. commercial then a briefing for tomorrows meeting with Gromyko. A meeting with Bob Michel re candidates for Cong. I mean to help them all I can. Another meeting this time with Foreign Minister Abdel Maquid of Egypt. He delivered a letter from Pres. Moubaryk [Mubarak]. Some progress—Jordan has signed on with Egypt—the 1st Arab state to do so since the treaty with Israel. Finally a photo with students representing vocational ed. Then a long tape session including a lot of spot T.V. ads for candidates.

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