Diary Entry - 09/28/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to New Orleans, LA to address the 88th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
President Reagan authorizes the procurement of 100 MX missiles and 100 B1 bombers.
Brkfst. on A.F.1—headed for New Orleans. Had teleprompter problems that almost threw me for about 7 min. in front of several thousand Police Chiefs and Sheriffs (International meeting). Finally got going. Rcv’d a tremendous reception. Later a Repub. fund raiser—noon time $1000 per head. I remember going to La. in ’63 to campaign for Charlton Lyons who ran for Gov. only to establish a 2 party system in that state. Well it’s 2 party now with a Repub. Gov. & a few Congressmen. Back to Wash. and what I’ve been told may be the most momentous decision any Pres. has had to make (that’s hard for me to believe as I review our history). It was to OK the strategic missile & bomber buildup for our future defense needs. One hundred MX missiles & 100 B-1 bombers (to start with). Word from Calif. that we may have sold our house at last.