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Diary Entry - 09/27/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-27-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan speaks to Senators regarding the debt ceiling.

  • Iran claims it has broken the siege of the city of Abadan, surrounded by Iraqi troops for nearly a year.

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Lunch with Pres. Moi of Kenya. He’s an interesting & solid man. Kenya is devoted to Free Enterprise & Democratic ideals. Absolutely opposed to the Soviet U. After lunch we took Sandra O’Connor & her husband over to the Supreme Ct. for the swearing in. Then off to Camp David. Weather beautiful—the leaves are beginning to turn. We rode Sat. & Sun. mornings.—I’m getting ahead of myself so I’ll just say—now it’s Sat. & Sun. Sept. 26 & 27. Spent Sat. P.M. redoing speech for Mon. in New Orleans. Spent Sunday P.M. calling Senators to persuade them to vote for extension of the debt ceiling. All of us have been against it in the past because the Dems. used it to continue their deficit spending. Now we are trying to end such spending & have secured $35 bil. in cuts for ’82. But we’re still paying for their sins. If we cant borrow—we’ll be out of money by Oct. 5th. Visited the tennis court on our return where Mike Deaver & Paul Laxalt, the British Ambas. & others were having a mini tennis tournament.

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