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Diary Entry - 09/26/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-26-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the upcoming visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union Eduard Shevardnadze.

  • President Reagan attends a Domestic Policy Council meeting to discuss the Synfuel board, which is going out of business.

View the President's Schedule
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An N.S.C. briefing for my visit tomorrow with Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze. I’m getting d--n sick of cramming like a school kid. Sometimes they tell me more than I need to know. George Bush & I had lunch together then I had visitors, Napoleon McCallum & his parents. He’s a fine young cadet at the U.S. Naval academy. He sat out last year—1st Navy footballer to ever Red Shirt. He’d broken his leg. Now he’s a Sr. & so far this season has averaged carrying the ball 130 yards per game. He’s quite a fine young Black man & will be a credit to the Navy.

Then the annual event—giving the certificates to a new crop of W.H. fellows. One of them Kien Pham is Vietnamese. He helped his father rescue 35 of their family & became boat people. Our Domestic Policy Council met to complete hearing on the Synfuel board which is going out of business. Problem is do they spend almost a bil. $ before closing down the shop. Met with Bud & squared him away on the Air Force Sec. nomination. It will be Caps man Rourke.

Admin. time—photos etc. & a taping session ended day. Looks like Nancy wont be able to come home tomorrow nite. Hurricane Gloria is due to hit us before morning. I’m told Andrews A.F. Base has moved all planes inland.

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