Diary Entry - 09/25/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends the fourth annual convention of the Concerned Women for America.
The President and First Lady participate in a welcoming ceremony for King of Spain Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia.
Ken D. & I were the staff meeting. Howard B. is in Tennessee & the V.P. is in Europe. I’ve discovered the Soviet Poetess who has been released from the Gulag is living in Chicago so we are making contact to bring about a meeting with Irina Ratushrinskaya. That will be in Oct. I’m told the Sen. may confirm Judge Sessions as new Dir. of F.B.I. We have some dissension on the AIDS Commission—some has to do with the Gay Dr.
N.S.C.—Possibly a new coup in Figi—1st coup was last March. Now the leader of that one is unhappy with the govt. that resulted & he may do it all over again.
The Sen. is battling over a bill that would undo the flagging of Kuwait Tankers in the P. Gulf. They are insane. Word has come we are going to sink the Iran mine layer ship possibly this afternoon.
Just learned that “60 Min’s.” Sunday will have a story that Bill Casey before his death gave Woodward of the Wash. Post 40 interviews for a book that will charge among other things that we planned assassinations in Lebanon with my approval.
At 10:40 went over to Va. to address the 4th Annual Convention of the “Concerned Women of America.” There were about 1,300 (Nat. membership is around 600,000). It was inspiring. They are all for Bork, also aid to the Contras. They were on their ft. cheering for most every line of my speech.
Back to the W.H. Nancy & I dined with King Juan Carlos & Queen Sophia of Spain. They are good friends & truly nice people. It was most enjoyable. Saw them off on a tour of our S.W. and then to an N.S.P.G. meeting [. . .] A few odds & ends & upstairs early.