Diary Entry - 09/24/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Steven McDonald, a New York City policeman who was shot in the head while in the line of duty.
President Reagan places a call to Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC).
George S. & Shevardnadze at the U.N. still dickering about Daniloff. It’s getting more apparent that it’s the Soviets who are blinking. We’re getting closer. The Soviets dont call him a spy anymore—they refer to him as “the American citizen.”
Then A.F.1 & on to Detroit for a rally & fund raiser for Gov. candidate Bill Lucas & Lt. Gov. cand. Colleen Engler.
First was an indoor rally—about 14,000—many young people & all enthusiastic. Then a lunch—about 2,000 & finally a hand shaking, photo op. more than 200. Money raised was a new record for Mich.
Back in the plane & on to Omaha for another Gov. cand.—this one Kay Orr & her Lt. Gov. cand. Bill Nichols. Here too—it was a short talk to big donors—about 500—then into the arena for a 10,000 or so crowd. The whole day was heart warming & our cand’s. are great. Back to Wash. arrived at W.H. about 8:30. No new progress on Daniloff.