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Diary Entry - 09/23/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Boca Raton, LA, and attends a GOP Victory '88 brunch.

  • President Reagan meets with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze.

  • Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze concludes two days of talks in Washington with Secretary Shultz on the subjects of arms control and human rights.

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Up & taking pictures with Tommy Thomas friends at 9:30. On to the Convention Center—a 1 min. drive. A major donor reception—about 150—for photos & hand shakes. Then into the Victory 88 Brunch. Gov. Martinez on hand. I was introduced by Connie Mack—cand. for Sen. My before brunch speech was very well received. Then a 30 min. drive to Palm Beach Fla. Airport. Back to Wash. & the W.H. by 2:00 P.M.—lunch on plane. Then to the office and at 3 P.M. a briefing for our visit with Shevardnadze. At 3:30 the meeting. No great decisions reached but both sides agreeing that much progress has been made & we’ll continue to meet. At 4:30 upstairs—change clothes & at 5 P.M. in Marine 1 on way to Camp D.

In Boca Raton a hubcap came off one of the cars in the cavalcade & hit a woman 78 yrs. old—cutting her leg—they had to call an ambulance.

Ran movie, “8 men out”—the story of the “Black Sox” scandals in 1919.

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