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Diary Entry - 09/22/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Waco, Texas and attends a GOP event at Baylor University and a fundraising event.

  • President Reagan travels to Houston, Texas and meets with several astronauts leaving for space soon at the Johnson Space Center.

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Up & off at 9 A.M.—Marine 1 to Andrews. There boarded A.F.1 & on our way to Waco Texas. This is a campaign trip— Beau Boulter running for Sen. Bentsens seat, on board. Had lunch on board & arrived at Waco airport at 11:30 EDT. Met by Gov. Bill Clements among others but Gov. stayed with us the whole day. We motored to Baylor U. & their special events center. First met with Baylor Pres. Herbert Reynolds & wife Joy & a group of U. officials & some alumni contributors. Then into the Paul Meyer arena—9,000 students plus about 2000 citizens & 1 black bear—the Baylor mascot.

The Gov. introduced me & I addressed a most enthusiastic crowd. The students couldn’t have been more friendly & applauded virtually every sentence.

Then on to Waco Convention Center where I did a receiving line & photos with a group of Boulter contributors. Then back to airport accompanied by Boulter & Gov. & wife on our way to Houston. A one hour flight. In Houston out to Johnson Space Center—met 5 man crew of astronauts who leave in a few days for outer space. Dr. James Fletcher—admin. of N.A.S.A. escorted me & the astronauts in a visit to a mock up of the orbiter. Crew are Capt. U.S.N. Rick Hauck—Mission Commander. Col. Dick Covey U.S.A.F Pilot. Mike Lounge Mission Specialist. Lt. Col. Dave Hilmers U.S.M.C.—Mission Specialist. And Pinky Nelson—Mission Specialist. Also met with their familys—wives & children.

Dr. Fletcher introduced me to a crowd of several thousand N.A.S.A. personnel & their familys. I addressed them & got a great reception.

Then it was on to the Four Seasons Hotel for an hour & a half down time. There we discovered none of us had told plane crew to bring my bag to the hotel. It was still on plane. I wanted to change into a dark suit for my dinner appearance. Jim got on the phone & while I showered one of the plane crew came in with my bag. Then we made a short drive to the Convention Center where I met Geo. B. & Barbara. There was a V.I.P. reception, Geo. introduced me & I made short remarks—then it was on to the dinner which had raised $3.2 mil.

I spoke before dinner—Geo. was the after dinner speaker. Mine was very well received. I did not stay for dinner but left for airport & on our way to Boca Raton Fla. A 2 hr. flight & dinner, plus some bills & letters to sign. Met by Gov. Robt. Martinez plus others. A half hour drive to Boca Raton hotel & the biggest suite I’ve ever seen. And so to bed. I paced off the main room—it was 96 ft. long.

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