Diary Entry - 09/23/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting to discuss Reconstitution of Bankruptcy Courts Legislation.
The President and First Lady host a luncheon for members of the James S. Brady Presidential Foundation.
Another crowded day. Met with Sec. Shultz re his upcoming meeting with Gromyko. Decided he should low key and with regard to a summit agree in principle but say we’d have to see some action 1st—permission for Jews to emigrate, let the Pentecostals out of our embassy in Moscow. Seven of them have been trapped there for 4 years. Then there is always Afghanistan & Poland. Had an ec. rundown in Cabinet—not bad, not good. One thing sure the recession has bottomed. Price index for Aug. 3⁄10 of 1% that would be an annual rate of less than 3.3. Lunch for Jim Brady foundation. A success—people from all over the country—including Lew Wasserman. Met with C.E.O.s of top businesses re the annual program to get summer jobs for teenagers. They were a success this year—started planning for next. A Rev. Sullivan (Black) met with me regarding a program to get every business & corp. to hire one disadvantaged youngster. There is a tax deduction incentive for this. He wants me to officially endorse—he’s been very successful with it. I’m leaning & checking it out. Interview with Trudy Feldman. Reception for nat. Hispanic group which honors 5 Hispanic young people each year. There were 3 boys 2 girls & they were really an inspiration. Dropped in at State dept. for farewell to Walt Stoessel who is retiring. Rcvd. word a Soviet Sub loosed a torpedo at one of our cruisers in the Baltic. Ship took evasive action & wasn’t hit. Have no further info. as yet.