Diary Entry - 09/22/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan presents an award to the national Boy-of-the-Year for the Boys Club of America.
President Reagan signs legislation ending a four-day strike by 26,000 locomotive engineers which had shut down much of the nation's railroad system.
Addressed Black College Presidents in East Room. We have a sound program to help keep these historically Black Colleges in existence & flourishing. Was well received. In N.S.C. meeting consensus that we should not weaken our sanctions on Russian gas pipe line. Awarded annual recognition to Boys Club of Year. He is one of our hispanic lads. Took him & all of the 5 finalists into the Oval office—they each sat in my chair and got a big kick out of it. Had lunch with Bob Tyrell, Midge Decter, Irving Kristol, Bill Rusher & Frank Shakespeare. I think we are on the way to setting up a regular communication setup with them. Did 1⁄2 dozen tapings—United Way Tribute to Virginia Brown by Boy Scouts etc. Then a reception for volunteers who’ve rescued the Nat. Aquarium. Midge Baldrige & Mary Jane Wick co-chaired the effort.