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Diary Entry - 09/23/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-23-1981

Key Facts

  • The President and the First Lady host a "Texas - California" barbecue for a delegation of Congressmen from Texas and California.

  • President Reagan meets with Sugar Ray Leonard, winner of the World Welterweight Championship.

View the President's Schedule
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Finally a meeting on the budget that made me feel good. It’s going to be a tough fight & we wont get all we ask for but we’ll do fairly well I’m sure. I’m withdrawing Soc. Security from consideration & challenging Tip & the Dems. to join in a bipartisan effort to solve the fiscal dilemma of S.S. without all the politics they’ve been playing. Since I’m inviting him on nat. T.V., he might be persuaded to go on at 9 P.M. tomorrow night & I haven’t finished writing the speech yet. Saw old friends from Dixon who are involved in fixing up my boyhood home. Roy Brewer was in—wants to help with labor but has little use for Kirkland AFL-CIO. Tonite we had a tent party (the tent is still up on the lawn). It was called a Texas-Calif. BBQ but a lot more than Texas & Calif. Congressmen & Sens. (with wives) were there. The Santa Ynez BBQ group came all the way to cook the meat & the Statler Brothers from Va. entertained. Every one including us had a wonderful time.

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