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Diary Entry - 09/21/1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on foreign policy.

  • President Reagan speaks with President of the United Mexican States Miguel De La Madrid to discuss US aid.

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Another quake hit Mexico City, the death toll is climbing into the 1000’s. Late Sat. night I got through to Pres. De La Madrid by phone. We are mustering all the help we can. Nancy is going to go to Calif. by way of Mexico City to emphasize our concern & cooperation.

Back to the W.H. Nancy packing & I found a load of homework that kept me busy all afternoon. Sam Donaldson on the Brinkley show quoted me 3 x as saying in my press Conf. that the Soviets have a 3 to 1 edge on us in every kind of weapon. No one disputed him. I dug out the transcript & Mark Weinberg is calling him to tell him he’s off base. First of all I could never have said that because I know it isn’t so. What I did say (and is true) is that they “lead us in virtually every type of offensive weapon.”

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