Diary Entry - 09/20/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan travels to Bethesda Naval Hospital for a post-operative check up where he is pronounced to have made a 100% recovery.
President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.
A good meeting with leaders of farm & agri. business groups. They are most supportive of what we are trying to do with regard to farm legislation. I wish Congress was.
An N.S.C. meeting—more on upcoming summit.
Then off to Bethesda Hospital for routine (1st) post operative check up. Last time I had this kind of pre Camp David schedule I didn’t get to Camp D. but had an operation instead. Not this time. The result was a unanimous decision by all the Dr’s. that I have had a 100% complete recovery.
At Camp D. I had a good conversation (phone) with Sen. Byrd. He is most supportive of our S.D.I. and wanted me to know he had taped a T.V. talk show making that point.
The news was full of the horror of Mexico.