Diary Entry - 09/21/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan receives the Diplomatic Credentials from 6 new Ambassadors to the United States from the nations of; Pakistan, South Korea, Chile, Colombia, Uganda, and Malta.
President Reagan is presented with a resolution signed by 155 Republican Members of Congress pledging to vote to uphold Presidential vetoes.
After more than 300 years under British rule, Belize gains full independence.
I dont like Mondays. This morning I was given the news that our successful coalition in Cong. is breaking up in the face of our need to get additional budget cuts. I think they have ’82 election jitters. We have to have those cuts & we have to solve the Soc. Security problem. The D. leadership has refused to tackle the problem in an effort to find a bi-partisan solution. They are staking it out as an ’82 campaign issue in which we’ll be portrayed as trying to pinch the Sr. Citizens. The fact is the “trust fund” will be out of money by election time. A cheerful note—met with top business people who also are leaders in a variety of good private sector non-profit activities such as “Boys Club,” “Heritage Foundation” etc. We’re enlisting their aid in stimulating private take over of much of what govt. has tried to do in Social programs that are costly & not as effective as voluntary efforts can be. Met with several groups of Cong. men on everything from high interest rates to A.W.A.C.S. One visit however, was to present me with a resolution signed by 155 R. Reps that they will vote to sustain any vetoes I may make to hold down the budget.