Diary Entry - 09/20/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council Meeting.
President Reagan travels to Columbia, SC. to receive an Honorary Degree from the University of South Carolina.
President Reagan receives word that the Residence of the Ambassador of the United States to Lebanon in Beirut has been shelled.
An N.S.C. briefing on Caps trip to China. I believe relations have definitely improved even though they still feel like they have to make a little noise now & then about Taiwan. Off to Columbia S.C. Announced to the press 1st that we had reached an agreement with a bi-partisan group in Cong. on Lebanon & the War Powers Act. If passed we’ll all stand together for an 18 month extension of the Marines stay in Lebanon. I will—in signing—voice my reservations about the constitutionality of the War Powers Act. The day in S.C. was fine, including the fact that the rain stopped as I was donning the academic gown for the outdoor ceremony at U. So. Carolina where I recv’d. an Honorary Degree. There were 10,000 students there and I was very well received. Later I did a reception (1000 P.) for Strom Thurmond & a dinner (3000 P). Sen. Howard Baker & 3 S.C. Cong. were on hand—both affairs went well. Prior to the dinner got word our Ambassadors residence in Beirut had been shelled—between 10 & 60 rounds. Damage but no casualties. Naval gun fire quieted the guns doing the shelling. Back at the W.H. by 10 P.M.