Diary Entry - 09/19/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting.
President Reagan meets with advisors to discuss the War Powers Act and the approval of US Marines in Lebanon.
The Caribbean twin-island state of St. Kitts-Nevis becomes an independent nation called St. Christopher and Nevis.
N.S.C.—Our Navy guns turned loose in support of the Lebanese army fighting to hold a position on a hill overlooking our Marines at the Beirut airport. This still comes under the head of defense. To allow those who have been shelling our Marines to take that position would have made the Marine base untenable. Phoned Geo. Allen who was dedicating a “Physical Fitness Academy” in Indianapolis Ind. Spoke to about 200 there for the occasion. An effective & pleasant occasion in the Rose Garden observing the 10th birthday of the “Exec. Women in Govt.” There was quite a group of women appointees of ours. We have appointed more women to exec. positions than any other admin. & they are doing a great job. We met later—George S. Cap etc on a compromise we hope Cong. will agree to regarding the War Powers Act & Congressional approval of the Marines being in Lebanon. Sen. Baker thinks he can get it through the Sen. Among other things it would settle their presence in Lebanon for 18 mo’s. Sen. Al Simpson came by asking for my support in getting his immigration bill through the house—he has it. Two Demos. from the house came by Beverly Byron & Nick Mavroules. They wanted to talk disarmament. It was at Beverly’s request. She has been most supportive but Nick is or has been reluctant to go along. I think we eased his mind. Maureen is here for a few days. The 3 of us had dinner & we learned of her plans regarding the gender gap. She has some great ideas.