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Diary Entry - 09/18/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-18-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Council on Commerce and Trade meeting.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with representatives of Boys Clubs of America.

  • President Reagan introduces a credit plan to help farmers who are going broke under high loans and higher interest rates.

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This was quite a day. By 9:45 I was out in the Rose Garden thanking & greeting our U.S. Committee for Pacific E. Cooperation. This is really another example of pvt. initiative. Then back in the Oval O. for an N.S.C. briefing preparatory to a N.S.P.G. meeting in the Situation room. It was a free wheeling discussion of how we might get the Soviets back into arms reduction negotiations. I’m hopeful my upcoming session with Gromyko might get something going. I intend to open up the whole matter of why we dont trust them. Maybe if we can ease the mutual suspicion—arms talks can move better.

After lunch I met in the Cab. room with the Exec. Comm. of the Farm Bureau Fed. plus a lot of Cong men & Senators. I announced a credit plan to help on a case by case basis those farmers who are going broke under high loans & higher int. rates.

Then Jesse Helms brought 4 N. Carolina farm leaders into the Oval (tobacco & cotton). I think they are pleased with what we’re doing. Finally a Cabinet Council meeting on the Steel problem. The gang was really divided between doing nothing & maybe doing too much. I came down with a decision that doesn’t violate our “free trade” position but still offers some help. Photos with Field & Stream mag. & the Nat. Boys Club Winner. Then an hour in the dentist chair—cleaning.

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