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Diary Entry - 09/17/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-17-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives the final report of the Presidential Commission on U.S.-Japan relations.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting to launch the National Steering Committee of Democrats for Reagan-Bush '84.

  • Progressive Conservative leader Brian Mulroney took office as Canada's 18th Prime Minister.

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Met with Japan-U.S. Advisory Comm. (our half ) they’ve done a great job & our relations with Japan are getting better & better. Steering Comm. of Dems. for Reagan-Bush came in—they are a great bunch and demonstrate that a shift is taking place in what the 2 parties stand for. A meeting with speech writers—it’s time to shift gears a little in our campaign speeches.

Mary & Dillon Ripley came by—it’s retirement day for him. He is however keep on studying in the lab at Smithsonian. A dozen Ukrainian Ams. came by—all leaders. They are very supportive. It is 50 yrs. since the great famine brought on by Stalin. A visit from our Olympic winners in target shooting—2 bronze, 1 silver & 3 golds.

End day with an off the record cocktail round with Dave Broder, Pat Buchanan, Fred Barnes, Emmett Tyrell, Warren Brookes, John Fogarty & Eliz. Drew. Nancy is out on another 3 state swing visiting drug care centers.

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