Diary Entry - 09/16/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House to recognize the contribution of Hispanic Americans to the Nation's Military.
Dick Stone reported in from Central Am. Things are looking better there. In the Rose Garden we had a ceremony recognizing the contribution of Hispanics to our military. I was surprised at how many Gen’s. & Admirals there are of Hispanic descent. We’re winding up Hispanic Heretage Week. Met with the coalition for Tuition Tax Credits. I think we reassured them that we’re truly serious about getting this passed. An interview with News Week. Subject was Lebanon & our Marines. A modest but fine young man came by. He is entering Stanford U. He is 23—a Paracomando, fighter pilot & Capt. in the Belgium military. He is Prince Philippe heir to the Belgian throne. Most of the R.N.C. were in the state dining room for lunch. I did Q&A. They are really revved up & Gung Ho. Met with Geo. Shultz briefly & then proceeded to a Nat. Security Planning Group meeting. We approved some rewriting of the directive to C.I.A. for Covert activities in Nicaragua. Off to Camp David.