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Diary Entry - 09/15/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with President of the Portuguese Republic Antonio dos Santos Ramalho Eanes to discuss the allegiance of former Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and Angola.

  • President Reagan attends a meeting to discuss current domestic and international economic situations.

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N.S.C. to prepare for Pres. Eanes of Portugal. We had the usual formal mil. greeting. Things went well & our meeting was fruitful. He has visited former colonies Mozambique & Angola. He says both would like to walk away from the Soviets and have ties with us. We are going to explore this with his govt. An ec. briefing found some differences of opinion with regard to our deficits between Don R. & M. Feldstein. Marty would like to increase taxes. He believes the deficit will mean higher int rates. Don doesn’t hold with this idea—nor do I. Had several scientists report on Acid rain & it’s causes. A farewell to Aram Bakshiam who is leaving the speech writers shop to go back to private life. Holmes Tuttle brought a gang of his auto dealers in for a photo. Then came a string of short visits & photos—Clare Booth Luce, The International Rescue Commission which is 50 yrs. old. Signed a proclamation in presence of officers of Nat. Home Builders—naming a Nat. Housing Week. Then came the Nat. champ. of all the R.O.T.C. graduates & finally John Egan—cand. for Mayor of Phil.

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