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Diary Entry - 09/16/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-16-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with His Beatitude Anthony Peter Khoraiche, Maronite Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All the East to discuss the situation in Lebanon.

  • President Reagan hosts a lunch for members of the Hispanic community in celebration of Hispanic Week.

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Another spurt of ceremonials. Presented plaque to Boys Club—Boy of the Year & attended swearing in of President’s executive exchange commission. State Dining Rm. lunch for Nat. Hispanic leaders. Like yesterday’s lunch this was most enjoyable plus which they made it plain they support fiscal conservatism such as our program. I believe their long loyalty to the Dem’s is ending. Staff meeting with Stockman on strategy for additional cuts in budget ’82 & for ’83 & ’84. A good plan & I believe we’ll make it. Reception for Sen. campaign donors from all over the country—several hundred in a reception line. High spot of the day was meeting with “his Beatitude” the patriarch of the Marimite Christians of Lebanon. He learned Eng. just for this trip and held forth for 30 mins. on the situation in Lebanon.

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