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Diary Entry - 09/15/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-15-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss sending food aid to Poland.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger to discuss the MX missile and B1 bomber programs.

  • U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to approve the Supreme Court nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor.

View the President's Schedule
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Some days are really busier than others. Met at 9:30 with full R. leadership of the house & Senate. The subject was the budget. No great decisions but still it was a good meeting. Sen. Packwood was there but silent. He’s been lining up Sen. votes against the A.W.A.C.S. sale. Last night on T.V. he denied he’d said his reason was because he wanted a contribution for the Sen. election committee from the Jewish lobby. Well he did say it—he said it to me and I dont think that’s a basis for deciding foreign policy. Some ceremonials—met with the Exec. exchange group. This is a program where business execs. take jobs in govt. for a spell & govt. employees take jobs in the private sector. Lunch in the state dining room with Presid. of Black colleges & U.’s, student leaders, alumnae, clergy. A great time! Those institutions have a great symbolic significance in the Black community. I signed an exec. order aimed at greater Fed. involvement in funding & in finding pvt. funding. Met with Cap W. I think we are close to agreement on the MX missiles & the B 1 bomber. An N.S.C. meeting on Poland. I cannot see helping the govt. with cash but I’m all for getting surplus food to Polish people. Met with new Berlin Mayor Veigsacher [Weizsäcker]. Seems like a nice guy & talks like an Englishman. Reception in tent, 1000 supporters of ec. program from business. Good time had by all. We’ve had disturbing news that P.M. Begin was planning to invade Lebanon. Of course I’ve been upset by Sen’s. tales that he lobbied hard against A.W.A.C.S. when he’d told me he wouldn’t. Al H. flew up to N.Y and saw him before he left for home. He promised no invasion unless some act forced his hand. Denied he broke his word & Al is convinced he really wants to get along with us. He told Al he’d never felt as close to a U.S. Pres. as he does to me.

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