Diary Entry - 09/13/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan returns to the White House from the weekend at Camp David.
U.S. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig says the United States has physical evidence that Russia and its allies used poisonous biological weapons in Laos, Cambodia, and Afghanistan.
Cap, Dave & I settled Defense cuts at $13 Bil. over 3 yrs., 2 Bil. of it to come off the ’82 spending. These figures are for outlays not obligational authority which would probably be about $21 Bil. Gave bravery & service awards to 9 young Americans. They had performed the deeds in 75 & 78 but J.C. wouldn’t give out the medals. The law says only the Pres. can do that. Friday afternoon off to Camp David with the Deavers & the Bakers—children & all. A nice weekend—mainly by the pool with one try at skeet shooting—my 1st attempt. A very humbling experience even if I did get a couple of birds. Rcv’d a call while there—our consulate in Frankfurt Germany was fire bombed—no casualties.