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Diary Entry - 09/12/1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan spends the day at the pool at Camp David.

  • A spokesman for Scotland Yard in London announces that nine Italian terrorists have been arrested as the prime suspects in the 1980 bombing of a Bologna train station that killed more than eighty people.

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Cap, Dave & I settled Defense cuts at $13 Bil. over 3 yrs., 2 Bil. of it to come off the ’82 spending. These figures are for outlays not obligational authority which would probably be about $21 Bil. Gave bravery & service awards to 9 young Americans. They had performed the deeds in 75 & 78 but J.C. wouldn’t give out the medals. The law says only the Pres. can do that. Friday afternoon off to Camp David with the Deavers & the Bakers—children & all. A nice weekend—mainly by the pool with one try at skeet shooting—my 1st attempt. A very humbling experience even if I did get a couple of birds. Rcv’d a call while there—our consulate in Frankfurt Germany was fire bombed—no casualties.

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