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Diary Entry - 09/12/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-12-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Tampa, FL to address a group of senior citizens on tax reform.

  • President Reagan reflects on the news of a senior KGB operative who defected to the United Kingdom.

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Over 5 hours of flying for a 15 min. speech & a 20 min. meeting with some selected state legislators. This was my day for a speech in Tampa to 2500 Sr. citizens. Us kids had a good time together. The subject of course was tax reform & it was well received. Sen. Paula Hawkins & Congressmen Bill Young, Andy Ireland, Mike Bilirakis & Dem. Sam Gibbons went with me. After the speech a short meeting with about 15 state legislators. I did Q&A & they were all on our side about tax reform. The news hit today (I’ve known about it for a few days) Eng. has brought out of Russia a top man in the K.G.B. who has been working for the English for a few years—a defector. Based on his info the English have ordered 25 agents & diplomats to return to the Soviet U.

Late afternoon at W.H. a reception for about 600 Eagles.

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