Diary Entry - 09/11/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.
President Reagan meets with the new Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Met with Congressional leadership about defense budget etc. I’ve never seen them so Gung Ho & high in their optimism about my winning in Nov. They’ve just returned from being home campaigning. Then a Rose Garden ceremony to award Gold medal posthumously to Hubert Humphrey. His widow recv’d. it & Hubert Jr. spoke—he’s a Repub. I dont know what was with Pres. Carter—this medal was voted by Congress in ’79. Did a 10 minute press availability in Press room—most Q’s were on meeting with Gromyko—which I announced—only 2 on Mondales plan to reduce the deficit. I thought that would be the big issue & I was loaded for them.
Met very pleasantly with Lord Carrington who is new Sec. Gen. of N.A.T.O. I think he’s going to do well.
An N.S.P.G. meeting— [. . .] Another issue has to do with possible shipment of fighter jets from Bulgaria to Nicaragua [. . .] Third item also unresolved as yet—how to help El Salvador intercept arms to rebels from Nicaragua.
Had a good meeting with farm state Senators & Reps. Was able to announce we’re upping the Soviet grain agreement by 10 mil. metric tons. A later meeting with Sens. & Reps. from Steel states wasn’t so happy—they are really lobbying for protection Quotas on imported steel. It’s a decision I have to make in the next 2 weeks. Home for the evening.