Diary Entry - 09/10/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5232, designating September 10 - 14 as Hispanic Heritage Week.
A good meeting with Black Clergy—Rev. T. J. Jemison Pres. of the Nat. Baptist Convention U.S.A. I really had a chance to explain the record (Civil Rt’s. et al) and the hatchet job that has been done on me with regard to Blacks. We are going to have further meetings. This may be a break through.
An issues lunch then over to the East room for the signing of the Hispanic Heritage Week proclamation. Congressman Leehans little 3 yr. old grand daughter presented me with roses. She was a doll. In the Oval office a briefing on our Airport problems. We are really out in front of the world on air safety. Signed 1st pledge as usual to kick off the Fed. Charity campaigns. Finished off some desk work & went upstairs. Mondale revealed his budget balancing program—it’s smoke & mirrors & a fat tax increase.