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Diary Entry - 09/10/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan gives a National Radio Broadcast on education.

  • President Reagan speaks with Vice President Bush about the Dukakis allegations.

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Brkfst. at 9:15—after a good nights sleep—maybe it’s the end of jet-lag.

Did Radiocast at Oval O. on education. Geo. B. had called earlier & we arranged to meet in my study off the Oval O. About 15 min’s. on campaign. My point was that we both had to reply to Dukakis false allegations without getting down to his level but still we had to recite the facts i.e. Dukakis has accused Repubs. of McCarthyism. Well it was a Repub. Pres. who took on McCarthy—Ike E.

Upstairs for lunch with Nancy on Truman balcony—it’s a nice bright day. Rest of day mainly at my desk & reading. Dinner (after exercise) in the study. Some T.V. & then to bed.

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