Diary Entry - 09/09/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Signing Ceremony for Youth 2000 Week Proclamation.
President Reagan attends and addresses the Federalist Society Lawyers Convention.
I slipped out early on Nancy & let her sleep. First staff meeting started with talk on confirmation hearing taking place on Cavazos our appointee Sec. of Ed. He may be confirmed by next week. Nick Brady our nominee for Sec. of Treasury may make it by next week.
Then we discussed several important speeches I must make—farewell etc.
N.S.C.—Our dependents are on way out of Burma. In the Angola negotiations S. Africa is asking that Cubans be out in a year. Angolan govt. & Cuba want to take 3 yrs.
George Shultz really laid it on Iraq Ambas. about Iraq gassing civilians—the Kurds. He tried to deny it but George really laid it on him. We have the evidence.
A visitor—brief. Ambas. Ben Yahia is returning to Tunisia. He’s been promoted. He came in for a photo.
Then a bill signing with Sen. Chafee & 2 Cong.men present. It’s a bill setting new safety rules for commercial fishing vessels. Some desk time then a proclamation signing in Rose Garden for the “Youth 2000 Week.”
Lunch—the patio again. After lunch Dr. Hutton brought 2 Dr’s.—members of Am. College of Surgeons who have set up a program for alerting other Dr’s. in citys where a President is scheduled to be. Phoned our Drug agent who was terribly wounded by gunshot. Then at 1:15 I went to the Mayflower hotel to address several hundred lawyers—the convention of “The Federalist Society.” This is a relatively new org. of mainly young lawyers who are definitely conservatives. I was well received.
Some desk work then phoned Nancy for a T.V. taping to be shown on all networks. It’s for the United Way Fund. And upstairs.