Diary Entry - 09/10/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan greets the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark Poul Schluter.
President Reagan meets with members of the Americans for Tax Reform Steering Committee.
Arrival ceremony for P.M. of Denmark, Schlueter. The usual mil. formation—held in considerable heat. We had a good meeting. He’s a conservative with a parliament of the opposition party (sounds familiar). He’s managed to make some ec. progress including tax reform.
In P.M. met with Tax reform coalition a group of C.E.O.’s, heads of organizations etc. who are supporting our tax reform. Then Sen. Byrd & the Sen’s. in his Moscow junket came by to report on their meeting with Gorbachev. Really not much new—he’s clever, articulate etc. They think he may be willing to make some changes.
Later with our staff I made a decision we would not trade away our program of research—S.D.I. for a promise of Soviet reduction in nuclear arms.
State dinner. Mrs. Woll—sister of Sgt. Jack Elwood Wagner on hand. Invited because her brother was shot down off Danish coast (age 19) in W.W.II. The people of a small village found his body & for 40 years a couple now in their 80’s have been taking care of his grave. When they no longer can their village has ruled it will take over the task. For 40 yrs. the people there have stated he gave his life for them.
During dinner got word that Pres. Duarte’s daughter was kidnapped in El Salvador by terrorists who machine gunned & killed two security men who were with her.