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Diary Entry - 09/09/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-09-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a statement to the press on economic sanctions against South Africa.

  • President Reagan meets with 18 visiting Generals from NATO member nations.

  • Race riots begin in Birmingham, England.

View the President's Schedule
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Saw our Ambas. off on his return to S. Africa. Then at 10:30 I went before the press & read a statement about the exec. order I would sign listing things we were going to do with regard to apartheid in S. Africa. Many were things included in the Cong. bill calling for sanctions. I explained these were things I could agree to but eliminated parts of the bill I did not favor and that I would veto the bill if it came to my desk. This wouldn’t have been necessary if I had line item veto.

At 11 A.M. I welcomed the 18 Generals commanding their countries forces in N.A.T.O. They are here visiting our mil. bases. An issues lunch and then a meeting with Bill Casey. An amazing number of K.G.B. agents are defecting these days. We have a serious problem with the Philippines—a communist takeover is a distinct possibility.

Met briefly with leaders of the Soviet Jewry movement. Then an ec. policy Council on trade matters. I’ve approved a trade policy as part of our effort to head off the flood of protectionist bills now up on the hill.

A very enjoyable interview for the 1300 College & U. radio stations conducted by 3 students from 3 different campuses—2 girls 1 male. They were fine young people & I enjoyed myself immensely. In the evening called Gov. Alf Landon on his 98th Birthday.

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