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Diary Entry - 09/09/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with Prime Minister Carlsson of Sweden.

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Staff meeting—discussed Justice Thurgood Marshals interview with Carl Rowan to be aired on Sun. The Justice took me on as being a racist—the worst in that since Herbert Hoover. Geo. B. is going to call him about a meeting with me. My record & the record of this admin. on such matters is out ahead of any other admin. in our history. A suggestion was made also to contact Justice Powell about endorsing Bork who I’ve nominated to take his place.

Some discussion about Independent Council Walsh & his wanting to Q. me on the Iran-Contra affair. I’ve said OK.

Then a briefing for arrival of P.M. Carlsson of Sweden. We’d moved the ceremony in the East Room because of threat of rain—so the sun was shining brightly—but we were indoors. The ceremony & the meeting in the Cabinet room went well. Then lunch (alone) and personal time at desk—got some work done. At 2:30 the V.P., Geo. S., Howard B., Cap W., Frank C. & Ken D. came in for an hour meeting on yesterdays N.S.P.G. subject—arms reduction. Our biggest difference is whether to try to block the Soviets from going mobile on their missiles or not. We’ll be meeting again on this. Upstairs for a while before State Dinner.

And the State Dinner was a great success from cocktails to the entertainment by Marilyn Horne after dinner.

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