Diary Entry - 09/09/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan greets Prime Minister of the State of Israel Menachem Begin.
President Reagan and Prime Minister Begin discuss the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia and the ongoing partnership between Israel and the United States.
Nicaragua declares a state of economic emergency and bans strikes.
The P.M. (Begin) arrived & we had a beautiful day for it—the S. Lawn ceremony. In the Oval office we did some getting acquainted & surprisingly it was very easy. A.W.A.C.S. came up in the cabinet room session. He of course objects to the sale. I told him how strongly we felt it could help bring the Saudis into the peace making process. I assured him we (Israel & U.S.) were allies. That the partnership benefited us as much as it did Israel & that we would not let a risk to Israel be created. While he didn’t give up his objection he mellowed. By the time the meetings and the State Dinner ended he said this was the warmest reception he’d ever had from a Pres. of the U.S. I think we’re off to a good start in the difficult business of peace in the Middle East. My own feeling is that it should come through bi-lateral agreements just as it did with Egypt. That’s why we want to start with Saudi Arabia.