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Diary Entry - 09/08/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 09-08-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan orders budget cuts in response to rising interest rates.

  • President Reagan meets with Attorney General William Smith to discuss funding issues with the Department of Justice and its impact on their ability to fight crime.

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Back on schedule—9 A.M. in the office. First of what will be several budget meetings. Hi interest rates are going to force more budget cuts or we wont meet our 82, 83 & 84 targets. I’ve given the order—we’ll cut & we’ll meet the goals we set for ourselves. We have to convince the money mkt. that we mean it & that means some cuts in defense. But we have to do that in such a way that the world sees us as keeping our word to restore our defense strength. It can be done. Briefing for meeting for the Begin meeting. Meeting with Repub. Cong. leadership re the budget cuts & the A.W.A.C.S. sale to the Saudis. Bill Smith came over to ask for more money for the Justice Dept. This is a tough one—Carter had cut his budget in real dollars 40% in 4 years. Crime is a number 1 concern.

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