Diary Entry - 09/04/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss South Africa.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss sanctions against South Africa.
Staff & N.S.C. meetings concerned with whether to talk about S. Africa on Sat’s. Radio talk—I’m for it. Next subject was a call I’m to get from King Hussein at 2 P.M. He wants a meeting with Ambas. Murphy, himself & some Palestinians. We cant go for that because 5 of the Palestinians are connected with P.L.O. The Israelis would climb the wall. When call did come all His Majesty talked about was my health. We were on an open line. We’ll send our Ambas. a message for the King for personal delivery.
Had lunch with Don Regan—we talked about what we want to accomplish in these next 3 yrs. One thing for sure is control of govt. spending, a real arms reduction deal with the Soviets and a real relationship with our Latin neighbors.
A meeting with Geo. S.—he leans toward my signing the Sanctions bill against S. Africa. I’ve been sure I’d veto but he says the bill isn’t all that harsh. I’ll wait & see.
Nancy is in N.Y. for the day & night. Ted Graber & Maureen are here.